Escapism -- Forms, Opinions, Pros & Cons

Published on 31 July 2024 at 19:54

Welcome to my first post! While trying to conjure up the perfect topic, I did my best to incorporate both elements of what this site is all about. As an avid fantasy reader myself, I thought a discussion on escapism would be most fitting. I've seen it often portrayed as something to avoid, but I'd like to share my opinion on the matter. So...

What is it?

Realistically, escapism is something we all do in some form or another. Whether it's purposeful or subconscious, I can promise you that your brain wants to hide away in certain situations. It is defined as follows.

Long story short, reality sucks sometimes and we all need an escape every once in a while. For a lot of people that's fantasy related. However, for others, it can be as simple as putting on some noise canceling headphones and heading out for a walk. 

What does it look like?

I'm assuming that if you're here, you're most likely to escape into books! Even if it's not obvious to you, I can guarantee that when life feels like too much, you flee to the worlds in your head. If books aren't for you, then maybe it's as simple as listening to music or watching a comfort movie for the 30th time. Whatever it is, it should bring you peace and comfort away from whatever chaos is in your life. Personally, I will either pick up a book from one of my favorite series or take a walk somewhere alone to clear my head. What works for me might not work for you, just try things and find what does!


I would encourage as many of you as I can to give fantasy books a try. I'm planning on making a beginner fantasy reader's guide and will link it here for those interested, once it's posted.

Can it be bad for you?

In short, too much of anything is bad for you. Escapism is a great tool to have to give your brain a break every once in a while. However, constantly needing to escape your life can indicate something deeper and lead to more serious issues. Perpetual escapism or existential escapism can be dangerous. It dilutes real life and has been linked to dissociative disorders. It's important to differentiate needing a short-term break from reality from not wanting to live in reality at all. Let yourself breathe, but don't rely on a false reality to breathe for you. 

What do I think?

Sometimes reality just sucks and we all crave something to run to. If you don't know what that is personally, try things! Find your happy place! Why else do we exist if not to enjoy the luxuries of life? Enjoy them and give yourself a break, but don't exploit them either. Aside from the mental aspects I've previously mentioned, constantly craving an escape takes away from your perception of reality. Be present. Don't take the beauties of life for granted. If escaping to you means hiding away in a book, read outside! If it's watching your favorite movie, think about why it's your favorite! Find a way to remain engaged in reality, even if you're removing yourself from some other conflict or burden. 


What do you think? How do you escape reality?

💜 Ella

“Fantasy is escapist, and that is its glory. If a soldier is imprisioned by the enemy, don't we consider it his duty to escape?. . .If we value the freedom of mind and soul, if we're partisans of liberty, then it's our plain duty to escape, and to take as many people with us as we can!”

― J.R.R. Tolkien

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